Consultation has concluded

Welcome to Tweed Shire Council's online hub for community engagement.
This is your one-stop source of information about all of Council's engagement campaigns, including access to online forums, surveys, quick polls and videos.
Whenever Council is seeking community input on a Council-related issue, it will be featured here on Your Say Tweed. Our aim is to consolidate all Council's community engagement activities in one place so you can keep up to date with what's happening locally and have your say on the things that matter to you.
We invite you to drop by regularly to see and participate in the latest issues.
Contributing your ideas is quick and easy
Registration is optional but as a registered member of Your Say Tweed you will receive the full experience of Council’s online engagement site, including the ability to participate in all the online surveys and forums.
Of course, if you'd prefer, you can continue to engage with Council via the traditional methods. Information about Council's engagement campaigns is also available at Council's Customer Service centres at Tweed Heads and Murwillumbah or you can contact Council on (02) 6670 2400.
Welcome to Tweed Shire Council's online hub for community engagement.
This is your one-stop source of information about all of Council's engagement campaigns, including access to online forums, surveys, quick polls and videos.
Whenever Council is seeking community input on a Council-related issue, it will be featured here on Your Say Tweed. Our aim is to consolidate all Council's community engagement activities in one place so you can keep up to date with what's happening locally and have your say on the things that matter to you.
We invite you to drop by regularly to see and participate in the latest issues.
Contributing your ideas is quick and easy
Registration is optional but as a registered member of Your Say Tweed you will receive the full experience of Council’s online engagement site, including the ability to participate in all the online surveys and forums.
Of course, if you'd prefer, you can continue to engage with Council via the traditional methods. Information about Council's engagement campaigns is also available at Council's Customer Service centres at Tweed Heads and Murwillumbah or you can contact Council on (02) 6670 2400.
Current engagement campaigns
Live Projects
Archived Projects
- Knox Park Master Plan
- Rural Villages Strategy
- Kingscliff Central Park Concept Plans
- Financial Assistance for Recycled Water Schemes
- Environmental Sustainability Strategy
- Tom Beatson Outlook (Razorback)
- Residential bulk waste collection
- Wilson Park - Banora Point East
- Kingscliff Coast Guard training building
Archived projects
Archived Projects
- Knox Park Master Plan
- Rural Villages Strategy
- Tyalgum Waste Transfer Station
- Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan
- Access and Inclusion
- Tweed Housing Code
- Delivery Program and Operational Plan
- Kingscliff Central Park Concept Plans
- Community Strategic Plan
- Our Tweed Vision
- Anthonys Bridge replacement
- Financial Assistance for Recycled Water Schemes
- Environmental Sustainability Strategy
- Tom Beatson Outlook (Razorback)
- Residential bulk waste collection
- Wilson Park - Banora Point East
- Kingscliff Coast Guard training building
- Playground review
- Bin services for multi-unit housing
- Kingscliff - Dreamtime Beach Coastal Zone Management Plan
- Delivery Program and Community Strategic Plan
- Council's Compliance Policy
- Tweed Coast Rabbits
- Have your say about Kingscliff's future
- Fingal Head building heights review
- Draft Homelessness Policy
- Developer Servicing Plans for Water Supply and Sewerage
- Community Engagement Network
- Draft Community Engagement Strategy
- Kingscliff Foreshore Revitalisation
- Les Burger Fields youth space upgrade
- Sustainable Agriculture Strategy
- Tweed Coast Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management
- Tackling Mozzies Together
- Tweed River Estuary Coastal Management Program
- Tweed Shire Youth Council
- What's the Cultural Picture?
- Access and Inclusion 2018
- Have your say about Council's Procurement Policy
- Installation of new Outdoor Exercise Equipment
- Open Space Strategy and Implementation Plan
- Flood Markers Survey
- Draft - Illegal Dumping Strategy 2019-2021
- Draft Customer Experience Standards and Unreasonable Customer Conduct Policies
- Have your say about Council's Delivery Program and Operational Plan
- Let's Chat
- New landing fee for Murwillumbah Airfield
- Proposed licence to Pottsville & District Men's Shed Inc
- Protecting our paddock trees
- Changes to developing on land at risk of flood
- Cemeteries Community Conversations
- Community Engagement and Participation
- Low Rise Medium Density Housing Code Planning Proposal
- Neighbour Day 2019
- South Murwillumbah Floodplain Risk Management Study and Draft Plan
- Draft Water Supply and Wastewater Asset Management Plans
- South Murwillumbah Flood Levee Repair
- Design of elevated SPS switchboard platforms
- Draft Rural Land Strategy
- Industry Central Land Swap
- Draft Enterprise Risk Management Policy
- Proposal to establish an alcohol-free zone - Tweed Heads
- Draft Placemaking and Public Art Policy
- Proposed grant of lease over community land - Bogangar
- Proposal to rezone Palms Village, Tweed Heads
- Water Bottling Facilities
- Tweed Heads Civic & Cultural Centre upgrade project
- Proposed amendments to the Business Investment Policy
- Draft Tweed Voluntary House Raising Scheme
- Master Plan for Black Rocks Sports Field
- Community Development Strategy 2020–2027
- Rural Land Strategy- Exhibited November 2017 to February 2018
- Future of the Tweed - Local Strategic Planning Statement
- Murwilllumbah Civic Centre Auditorium upgrade
- Council's proposed Alcohol Free Zones 2021-2025
- Code of Meeting Practice (Archived)
- Fees and Charges 2021/2022 Revenue Policy Amendment
- Northern Rivers Rail Trail - Tweed section
- Murwillumbah Youth Festival
- Backyard Habitat for Wildlife
- Special Rate Variation service reduction and/or cuts
- Planning Proposal - 51 Rock Road, Bungalora
- Proposal to classify 6 parcels of land as operational
- Environmental Impact Statement for raising Clarrie Hall Dam
- Special Rate Variation
- Draft Scenic Landscape Strategy
- Closed Circuit Television in Public Places Policy
- Norries Headland Masterplan Project
- Amendment to Section 7.11 Contribution Plan No. 10, Cobaki Lakes
- Amendment to section 7.11 Contribution Plan No.23 - offsite parking (CP23)
- Proposed classification of land at Industry Central, South Murwillumbah
- Proposed lease of Council-owned community land, Ed Rotary Park, Sutherland Street
- Proposed classification of land Tweed Valley Way, South Murwillumbah
- Proposal to classify Operational Land, Altitude Aspire, Terranora
- Draft Scenic Landscape Protection Policy
- Anchorage Island Harbour Management
- Tweed riverbank stabilisation works - Riverside Park Uki
- Koala Beach Wildlife and Habitat Management Committee
- Rural Land Industry Management Committee
- Climate Ready Tweed
- Notice of proposed repeal of CP21 - Terranora Village Estate open space and community facilities
- Expression of Interest - Audit Risk and Improvement Committee
- Draft Internal Audit Charter
- Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) Terms of Reference
- Draft Data Breach Policy
- Councillor and Staff Interaction Policy 2022
- Draft Councillor and Staff Interaction Policy
- Draft Tweed Access and Inclusion Plan 2023 - 2026
- Proposed lease extension on Council-owned community land, Kingscliff
- Pedestrian Access, Tyalgum slip
- Caldera Rim Walk Draft Master Plan
- Register your interest for time capsule message
- Upgrade of Ray Pascoe Park
- Proposal to classify land as operational, Old Lismore Road, Murwillumbah
- Proposed Classification of land at Walmsleys Road, Bilambil Heights
- Proposed licence of Council-managed Crown Land, Pottsville
- Proposed lease of Council-owned land 1 Cooloon Street, Kunghur
- Proposed Road Closure Tweed Valley Way, Fernvale
- Proposed naming of footway between Viking and Gibson Street
- Proposed classification of land Tweed Valley Way, South Murwillumbah
- Proposed classification of Council-owned land, Doon Doon Road
- Proposed classification of land Terranora Road, Terranora
- Proposed re-classification of land Greenway Drive, Tweed Heads South
- Proposed classification of land Lundberg Drive, South Murwillumbah
- Proposal to classify land as operational, Condong Street, Murwillumbah
- Proposed road closure, Tygalgah
- Proposed classification of land Fraser Drive, Terranora
- Proposed classification of land, 39 West End Street, Murwillumbah
- Proposed licence of Council-managed Crown Land, Kingscliff
- Proposed licence of Council-owned community land, Tweed Heads
- Proposed licence of Council-owned Community Land, Tweed Heads Community Preschool
- Proposed license of Council-managed Crown Land, Murwillumbah
- Proposed licence of Council-managed Crown Land, Fernvale
- Proposed lease of Council-managed Crown Land
- Proposed licence of Council-owned community land, Chillingham
- Proposed licence of Council-owned community land, Piggabeen
- Proposed classification of land West End Street, Murwillumbah South
- Council's Financial Statements 2023-24
- Tweed Affordable Housing Strategy
- Proposed Road Closure Application for Unnamed Road Reserve at Prince Street, Murwillumbah
- Joint Regional Planning Panel Expression of Interest
- Proposed classification of land Amber Road