Draft Scenic Landscape Protection Policy

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This consultation is now closed. Community feedback was invited from 3 April to 15 May. Thank you for having your say.

What's on exhibition

We want to take steps to identify and protect our unique landscape as much as possible when we are creating new policies, developing land or changing how land is used. The revised draft Scenic Landscape Protection Policy is on exhibition for the community to review and provide feedback on. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the Tweed’s unique scenic landscape qualities are recognised and steps taken to enable their identification and protection to assist landowners in understanding the impacts, if any, on their development on the wider scenic environment.

What's changed

After talking with the community and reviewing internally in late 2022, changes were made to the draft policy to ensure it provides clear guidelines, to assist Council, proponents of development, and landowners with the language required when considering visual impacts of development.

What we are asking

We are asking you to review the draft policy and provide comments on the application, assessment framework and methodology.

How to have your say

Written submissions can be made until 4pm, 15 May 2024 in one of the following ways:

  • Online: complete the submission form below
  • Email: tsc@tweed.nsw.gov.au Subject: Scenic Landscape Protection Policy
  • Mail: The General Manager, Tweed Shire Council, PO Box 816, Murwillumbah, NSW 2484

All submissions must include the contributors name, address, phone and email details (optionally marked ‘in confidence’)

What happens next?

Following exhibition, we will consider the submissions received and make any amendments to the draft policy. The document will then be reported to Council for endorsement. Once endorsed the policy will inform future amendment to Tweed Development Control Plan to ensure it is considered in development assessment.

Mapping tool to support Policy document

The Policy is supported by a mapping tool that:

  • categorises all land across the Shire into one of ten categories.
  • identifies areas across the Shire where people experience and enjoy views
  • maps areas from a particular viewing situation
  • identifies how visible an area of land is from any defined 'viewing situation'.

View the mapping tool here.

This consultation is now closed. Community feedback was invited from 3 April to 15 May. Thank you for having your say.

What's on exhibition

We want to take steps to identify and protect our unique landscape as much as possible when we are creating new policies, developing land or changing how land is used. The revised draft Scenic Landscape Protection Policy is on exhibition for the community to review and provide feedback on. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the Tweed’s unique scenic landscape qualities are recognised and steps taken to enable their identification and protection to assist landowners in understanding the impacts, if any, on their development on the wider scenic environment.

What's changed

After talking with the community and reviewing internally in late 2022, changes were made to the draft policy to ensure it provides clear guidelines, to assist Council, proponents of development, and landowners with the language required when considering visual impacts of development.

What we are asking

We are asking you to review the draft policy and provide comments on the application, assessment framework and methodology.

How to have your say

Written submissions can be made until 4pm, 15 May 2024 in one of the following ways:

  • Online: complete the submission form below
  • Email: tsc@tweed.nsw.gov.au Subject: Scenic Landscape Protection Policy
  • Mail: The General Manager, Tweed Shire Council, PO Box 816, Murwillumbah, NSW 2484

All submissions must include the contributors name, address, phone and email details (optionally marked ‘in confidence’)

What happens next?

Following exhibition, we will consider the submissions received and make any amendments to the draft policy. The document will then be reported to Council for endorsement. Once endorsed the policy will inform future amendment to Tweed Development Control Plan to ensure it is considered in development assessment.

Mapping tool to support Policy document

The Policy is supported by a mapping tool that:

  • categorises all land across the Shire into one of ten categories.
  • identifies areas across the Shire where people experience and enjoy views
  • maps areas from a particular viewing situation
  • identifies how visible an area of land is from any defined 'viewing situation'.

View the mapping tool here.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Share your thoughts with us. Make a submission up until 4pm, 15 May 2024. 

    Share Scenic Landscape Protection Policy submission form March - May 2024 on Facebook Share Scenic Landscape Protection Policy submission form March - May 2024 on Twitter Share Scenic Landscape Protection Policy submission form March - May 2024 on Linkedin Email Scenic Landscape Protection Policy submission form March - May 2024 link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Consultation has concluded. Survey has closed.

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Page last updated: 16 May 2024, 11:19 AM