Draft Community Engagement Strategy
Consultation has concluded

The Community Engagement Strategy was adopted unanimously on 2 August.
The Draft Community Engagement Strategy was On Exhibition from 4 December 2017 – 9 February 2018. During this period there was a range of notifications, editorial coverage, social media activity and direct mail/letters inviting comment on the draft strategy.
By the close of the exhibition period, Council received:
- three formal submissions
- 470+ votes on various Quick Polls (social media and customers)
- 3 comments on the Your Say Tweed Project Page Guestbook
The objectives of the Community Engagement Strategy have been amended in light of feedback received to read as follows:
- Be a Council that is guided by community-led recommendations arrived at through deliberative, early and broad-based engagement.
- Encourage the community to understand, be understood and learn from each other through a productive and inclusive exchange of views.
- Ensure that people receive information that is timely, free of bias, easy to access and understand.
- Be transparent, strengthen relationships and build mutual respect through ongoing engagement activities.
The Draft Community Engagement Strategy has now closed for exhibition.
Thank you for the submissions, quick polls and guest book comments. We have a range of feedback to consider and it has really helped us to know where to focus engagement growth efforts. Once we collate this feedback a copy will be available on this page.
There is a Councillor Workshop scheduled early March and we will then follow up with a report to Council for adoption of the final Community Engagement Strategy. This page will be updated as the project progresses.
Have your say on having your say!
The Draft Community Engagement Strategy was open for the community to provide feedback from 4 December 2017 until 9 February 2018.
The Community Engagement Strategy, building on our existing Strategy, is a guiding framework that sets out a whole-of-Council commitment to community engagement.
It outlines why we engage, how we engage (including the type of techniques we use) and when we engage – providing clarity around the types of engagement activity the community can expect for the different types of projects.
The strategy aims to ensure that residents, business and community organisations:
are informed on issues and decisions facing Council that could significantly affect their future
are given opportunities to have their say, in a way and at a time that suits them
can be certain their views and advice have been genuinely considered before Council decisions are made
are provided explanations about Council’s decisions.
What’s new?
- Introduction of 6-monthly Stakeholder Forums with key interest groups and stakeholders, plus regular locality-based ‘Local Conversations’ for the public to attend.
- Establishment of the Tweed Panel on Your Say Tweed for community members to join and have their say at a time and in a way that suits them.
- An Engagement Improvement Panel will be established to monitor progress and advise the Council, Mayor and General Manager on implementation, in line with their statutory responsibilities. The Panel will be a sub-committee of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee.
- A review of the scope, operation and effectiveness of Advisory Committees to determine whether any changes, additional or alternative committees are required to help achieve the objectives of this Strategy.
Other actions include:
- Further development of Council’s online engagement portal – Your Say Tweed. The home of the Tweed Panel and a central place to disseminate information, receive feedback, showcase projects, host forums, on-line focus groups and conversations as a new means of tapping local knowledge and expertise, and obtaining well-informed and balanced advice on issues.
- An Engagement Toolkit will be prepared and published on Your Say Tweed to provide more detailed guidance on the use of different engagement techniques.
- Establishment of specialist provider panels in: 1) Facilitation of engagement and deliberative processes and 2) survey design and market research.
- Progressive expansion of Council’s presence on social media.
- Second intake of staff representatives to join the Community Engagement Network.
The review of Council’s existing Community Engagement Strategy commenced in February 2017. Since this time there has been extensive engagement with Councillors to determine their preferences and direction for Council’s community engagement responsibilities, including the use of two external community engagement consultants.
We are now seeking feedback from the community - tell us your preferences on how to have your say.
Take the quick polls or leave a comment in the guest book, which will be considered in the submissions we recieve. Submissions close on 2 February 2018 and can be made by email to tsc@tweed.nsw.gov.au or by mail to the General Manager, Tweed Shire Council, PO Box 816, Murwillumbah, NSW 2484.