Towards Zero Waste Strategy and Action Plan

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Overview of the Towards Zero Waste Strategy and Action Plan

The Towards Zero Waste Strategy and Action Plan has been developed to guide Council on future actions and targets towards zero waste practices.

‘Zero waste’ for Tweed means that nothing is placed in landfill that doesn’t need to be and all materials are recycled or recovered wherever possible.

The vision has three guiding principles in moving towards this vision:

  • Lead by example and embed a local circular economy
  • Engage and educate households and businesses on the value of resources
  • Maximise the recovery of resources

Read the Strategy and Action Plan

Read the Strategy Summary

Why the Towards Zero Waste Strategy and Action Plan was developed

On 22 March 2018, Tweed Shire Council resolved to adopt a zero waste target across the Tweed and to include this objective in future waste strategies and management plans.

The world’s natural resources are limited and the amount of waste being generated is increasing. This significantly impacts the environment and residents of the Tweed in a number of ways, including the cost to the community.

The Toward Zero Waste Policy has been developed to provide guidance to Council and the community on the future direction of waste management. Towards Zero Waste is an aspirational target that will require Council and the community to work together to re-think how we all purchase, use and dispose of materials.

Council is working to protect and enhance the Tweed’s internationally significant environment. This is why it’s even more important to manage and minimise any impacts from the waste we generate in the Tweed.

Towards Zero Waste Policy

The Towards Zero Waste (TZW) Policy provides Council’s vision, principles and objectives which will be applied to reach zero waste practices and targets. This Policy articulates Council’s commitment to achieve pathways for improved outcomes with the objective of eliminating waste.

The Policy objectives are to ensure Council demonstrates leadership in reducing waste in its operations and service delivery by maximising opportunities for resource reuse, repair, recycling and recovery, and in avoiding wasteful or toxic products and practices.

To clearly define a framework that supports Council and the community to pursue zero waste targets in order to:

a. Mitigate climate change and environmental impact where possible, protect health, create the jobs of the future, and promote sustainability; and

b. Plan and guide investment that facilitates and promotes outcomes that demonstrate zero waste principles.

Next steps

Council will continue to engage with the community now that the Strategy working towards zero waste has been adopted by Council. The Strategy includes Council’s proposed actions for the next five years including actions already in progress.

Overview of the Towards Zero Waste Strategy and Action Plan

The Towards Zero Waste Strategy and Action Plan has been developed to guide Council on future actions and targets towards zero waste practices.

‘Zero waste’ for Tweed means that nothing is placed in landfill that doesn’t need to be and all materials are recycled or recovered wherever possible.

The vision has three guiding principles in moving towards this vision:

  • Lead by example and embed a local circular economy
  • Engage and educate households and businesses on the value of resources
  • Maximise the recovery of resources

Read the Strategy and Action Plan

Read the Strategy Summary

Why the Towards Zero Waste Strategy and Action Plan was developed

On 22 March 2018, Tweed Shire Council resolved to adopt a zero waste target across the Tweed and to include this objective in future waste strategies and management plans.

The world’s natural resources are limited and the amount of waste being generated is increasing. This significantly impacts the environment and residents of the Tweed in a number of ways, including the cost to the community.

The Toward Zero Waste Policy has been developed to provide guidance to Council and the community on the future direction of waste management. Towards Zero Waste is an aspirational target that will require Council and the community to work together to re-think how we all purchase, use and dispose of materials.

Council is working to protect and enhance the Tweed’s internationally significant environment. This is why it’s even more important to manage and minimise any impacts from the waste we generate in the Tweed.

Towards Zero Waste Policy

The Towards Zero Waste (TZW) Policy provides Council’s vision, principles and objectives which will be applied to reach zero waste practices and targets. This Policy articulates Council’s commitment to achieve pathways for improved outcomes with the objective of eliminating waste.

The Policy objectives are to ensure Council demonstrates leadership in reducing waste in its operations and service delivery by maximising opportunities for resource reuse, repair, recycling and recovery, and in avoiding wasteful or toxic products and practices.

To clearly define a framework that supports Council and the community to pursue zero waste targets in order to:

a. Mitigate climate change and environmental impact where possible, protect health, create the jobs of the future, and promote sustainability; and

b. Plan and guide investment that facilitates and promotes outcomes that demonstrate zero waste principles.

Next steps

Council will continue to engage with the community now that the Strategy working towards zero waste has been adopted by Council. The Strategy includes Council’s proposed actions for the next five years including actions already in progress.

Page last updated: 03 Dec 2024, 04:35 PM