Roads and signage
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This project is part of Phase 1 of the Tweed Recycling and Landfill Centre Master Plan to improve the layout and site design for all users.
Organics Processing Facility Site Entrance Overhaul Landfill for Community Waste Resource Recovery Areas Water and Leachate Management Roads and Signage
The Master Plan includes the revamp of signs and roads throughout the site with separated lanes and clear signs a priority.
This project will:
- improve customer experience
- make the site more user friendly
- ensure pedestrian and vehicle safety
- link the existing Stotts Creek Resource Recovery Centre to Eviron Road and Quarry Road for the future landfill site.
Work has not commenced on signage, however sign design has been completed. Work on roads will occur throughout site stages.
Photos, videos and documents updated on right.

Page last updated: 17 Feb 2022, 12:59 PM