Survey floats ideas for canoe facility
Kayakers, canoeists and other paddlers are invited to provide their input for plans to install a launch facility for non-powered vessels on the Tweed River.
Click here to participate in a community survey to find out about the places people like to paddle and the facilities they would like to see provided.Col Wiley Park at Byangum has been identified as the site for the launch facility for a number of reasons:
- access to the Tweed and Oxley Rivers
- access to the road network from Kyogle Road
- its currently used by recreational paddlers and has basic onshore facilities
- waterways in this location are already limited to non-powered vessels, limiting potential for conflicting between different users
- good potential for expansion, both onshore facilities and creation of a canoe trails or similar initiative
Two concepts designs have been produced for the launch, which would make it safer and easier for people to get canoes and other non-powered vessels in an out of the river.
Click here to read a brief about the launch facility or view:
Printed copies of the survey are available at Council’s offices in Murwillumbah and Tweed Heads.
For further information, contact Matt Lee on (02) 6670 2767.
Consultation has concluded