Child Safe Standards

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Tweed Shire Council Child Safety Standards

"We believe children and young people have the right to be respected, empowered and safe. We are dedicated to listening to their views and committed to our responsibilities in keeping them safe."

Child Safe Standards

The Child Safe Scheme, as outlined in the Children's Guardian Act 2019, requires local councils to meet NSW Child Safe Standards (the Standards). The Standards are a continuous improvement framework which have been designed to complement existing child protection compliance requirements. Council proposes to introduce the following policies to work towards being a child safe organisation in compliance with the Standards:

What is a child safe organisation?

A child safe organisation is one that creates a culture, adopts strategies and takes action to promote child wellbeing and prevent harm to children and young people.

Child safe code of conduct

This Child Safe Code of Conduct applies to all employees, volunteers, agency staff, elected councillors and contracted service providers.

The Code of Conduct sets expectations for how our employees and Council representatives should behave around children. This is important to help prevent children from being harmed. Child abuse takes many forms and can include physical, sexual and psychological abuse, ill treatment and neglect.

Child safe reporting and complaints management policies

These two policies detail our child focused complaint handling policy and processes. Child focused complaint handling systems encourage children who are exposed to the risk of harm and others to speak up. These policies prepare staff to respond appropriately to complaints.

Have your say:

Community and stakeholder input is important. Your feedback will be considered, and the final draft policies will go to Council for adoption. These policies are on public exhibition until 4pm, 15 February 2023.

Submissions can be made:

  • Online using the 'Have Your Say' form below
  • Mail: Tweed Shire Council, PO Box 816, Murwillumbah, NSW 2484
  • Email: Subject: Child Safety Standards
  • Phone: 02 6670 2400

Tweed Shire Council Child Safety Standards

"We believe children and young people have the right to be respected, empowered and safe. We are dedicated to listening to their views and committed to our responsibilities in keeping them safe."

Child Safe Standards

The Child Safe Scheme, as outlined in the Children's Guardian Act 2019, requires local councils to meet NSW Child Safe Standards (the Standards). The Standards are a continuous improvement framework which have been designed to complement existing child protection compliance requirements. Council proposes to introduce the following policies to work towards being a child safe organisation in compliance with the Standards:

What is a child safe organisation?

A child safe organisation is one that creates a culture, adopts strategies and takes action to promote child wellbeing and prevent harm to children and young people.

Child safe code of conduct

This Child Safe Code of Conduct applies to all employees, volunteers, agency staff, elected councillors and contracted service providers.

The Code of Conduct sets expectations for how our employees and Council representatives should behave around children. This is important to help prevent children from being harmed. Child abuse takes many forms and can include physical, sexual and psychological abuse, ill treatment and neglect.

Child safe reporting and complaints management policies

These two policies detail our child focused complaint handling policy and processes. Child focused complaint handling systems encourage children who are exposed to the risk of harm and others to speak up. These policies prepare staff to respond appropriately to complaints.

Have your say:

Community and stakeholder input is important. Your feedback will be considered, and the final draft policies will go to Council for adoption. These policies are on public exhibition until 4pm, 15 February 2023.

Submissions can be made:

  • Online using the 'Have Your Say' form below
  • Mail: Tweed Shire Council, PO Box 816, Murwillumbah, NSW 2484
  • Email: Subject: Child Safety Standards
  • Phone: 02 6670 2400

Page last updated: 21 Mar 2024, 04:18 PM